The module will introduce students to advanced historical studies. It will focus on providing students with practical historical skills and a practical understanding of different historical approaches and methods. It will offer students an introduction to the theoretical basis of historical approaches and offer the opportunity to explore how related disciplines (such as archaeology, anthropology, sociology and political science) have helped historians adopt new approaches to the past. Methodological approaches, including the handling of material evidence, the use of digital techniques, and the interpretation of visual sources, will also be studied.
This core module, taught through 2-hour lectures and seminars, explores a number of themes in historical research, building on the skills and approaches learned in Module1. These include local and urban history, as well as the history of gender, death and empires. Students will be encouraged to think about the significance of continuity and change in history and periodisation, as well as the contribution made by landscapes to the study of history.
This is the area for submission of MRes coursework
General resources for the MA/MRes in Historical Research